Policy Initiatives

62/30 TRA Educator Pension Bill

The pension proposal is detailed in HF3808.

This pension proposal will provide a full benefit for teachers creating the first instance of an actual rule for career tier 2 teachers at 62 with 30 years of service. Last session, the Governor, along with the majority in the House and Senate, did not support the necessary public investments for teacher pensions. Without increased funding by the state, HF3808 is a common sense option that’s funded by members using a sliding scale based on years of service.

Education Funding

Last session’s education bill seemed to prioritize mandates over funding and restricted school’s flexibility. We spent countless hours working with and listening to teachers, principals, superintendents, para-professionals, staff, and parents.

As a result of these misplaced priorities and working with the boots on the ground, we have put forward an additional 2% on the general education basic formula, HF3553, and increased cross subsidy funding from 44% to 50%, HF4007. Both bills will provide school districts the funding and flexibility to address needs at their local level.

Have any Thoughts, Ideas, and Priorities?

Danny Nadeau | [email protected]

Patti Anderson | [email protected]

Ben Bakeberg | [email protected]

Jeff Witte | [email protected]

Shane Hudella | [email protected]

Andrew Myers | [email protected]

Mark Wiens | [email protected]